Phase-1 (Pre-Clinical) Department of Physiology

  • At the end of the course in physiology the MBBS students will be able to:
  • demonstrate basic knowledge on the normal functions of human body and apply it as a background for clinical subjects.
  • explain normal reactions to environment and homeostatic mechanism.
  • interpret normal function with a view to differentiate from abnormal function.
  • demonstrate knowledge & skill for performing and interpreting physiological experiments.
  • develop knowledge and skill to proceed to higher studies and research in physiology in relation to need and disease profile of the country.
  • develop sound attitude for continuing self-education to improve efficiency & skill in physiology.

  • Medical courses in physiology teach the essentials of the processes of life.
  • The physiology courses are very clinically relevant because the knowledge of the processes underlying the normal physiological functions of all the major organ systems is crucial for understanding pathology, pharmacology, and for competent clinical practice. In fact, all of medicine is based on understanding physiological functions.
  • In the process of completing these courses, students acquire the following competencies:
  • Describe transport across the plasma membrane, the basis of resting membrane potential, the genesis and propagation of action potentials. Explain muscle excitation and contraction.
  • Describe the heart and circulation and how the circulatory system functions as a dual pump and dual circulatory system with the knowledge of properties of cardiac muscle, cardiac cycle, hemodynamics, heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Explain respiratory processes with the knowledge of structures, ventilation, diffusion, blood flow, gas transport, mechanics of breathing, and control of ventilation.
  • Identify how the kidney plays an important role in the maintenance of homeostasis by regulating both the composition and volume of ECF compartment.
  • Explain how the brain works at the neuronal systems level. The role of electrical & chemical signals in information transmission & processing. Brain circulation, metabolism, neurotransmitter release & receptors.
  • Describe the physiological mechanism underlying sensory perception, motor control & maintenance of homeostasis as well as higher cortical functions. Understanding autonomic nervous system.
  • Describe endocrine physiology: describe the synthesis, secretion, functions & mechanism of action of the endocrine hormones.
  • Explain human reproduction, functional changes in the reproductive tract, the formation of sperm & ovum, fertilization & hormonal regulation of fertility, role of hormones in pregnancy, parturition & lactation.
  • The students will be able to equip themselves with adequate knowledge and develop skill for performing physiology laboratory tests and interpreting these normal functions with a view to differentiate from abnormal conditions, such as Measurement of blood pressure, Examination of radial pulse, Recording & analysis of normal ECG, Auscultation of heart sounds, breath sounds & bowel sound, Estimation of Hb concentration, total count of red blood cell (RBC) and total & differential count of white blood cell (WBC), Determination of bleeding time & clotting time and blood grouping & cross matching, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), packed cell volume, Measurement of pulmonary volumes & capacities, Examination of urine for volume, specific gravity/osmolarity and water diuresis, Elicitation of reflexes (e.g., knee jerk, ankle jerk, planter response, biceps jerk, triceps jerk), Recording of body temperature, Elicitation of light reflex, Interpretation of Snellen’s chart and colour vision chart, Conduction and interpretation of Rinne test and Weber test.

Photo Name & Qualification Designation Date of Birth & Joining
Prof. Dr. Dipok Kumar Sunyal
MBBS, M.Phil. (Physiology)
Professor 07-05-1965
Dr. Khalada Akter
MBBS, M.D. (Physiology)
Associate Professor (C.C.) & Head
Subject Coordinator
Dr. Towhidul Iqram
MBBS, M.Phil. (Physiology)
Assistant Professor 28-12-1992
Dr. Fhamida Akter
MBBS, MD (Physiology)
Assistant Professor (CC) 30-12-1989
Dr. Luthfun Nahar Tina
Lecturer 01-01-1996
Dr. Shuhrat Binte Hossain Rothy
Lecturer 01-03-1997
Dr. Jannatul Ferdous Nipa
Lecturer 20-10-1993
Dibakar Das Gupta
Lecturer 03-06-1996
Dr. Palash Chandra Debnath
Lecturer 01-12-1996
Dr. Noshin Nanziba
Lecturer 15-06-1995
Dr. Swarna Saha
Lecturer 01-05-1995
Guest Teacher

  • Academic Calendar for Physiology.
  • Notices of Physiology Department.
  • Card Final Examination and Result of Physiology.
  • Term Final Examination and Result of Physiology.

  • Published Articles and ongoing research activities of Prof. Dr. Dipok Kumar Sunyal
  • Published Articles and ongoing research activities of Dr. Khalada Akter
  • Published Articles and ongoing research activities of Dr. Towhidul Iqram