Phase-2 (Para-Clinical) Department of Forensic Medicine

  • The goal of teaching forensic Medicine in the undergraduate medical course is to produce a physician who will be well informed and alerts about his/her medico-legal responsibilities and is capable of being discharging medico-legal duties in medical practice. At the end of the course in Forensic Medicine the undergraduate students will be able to:
  • to produce competent, compassionate, reflective and dedicated health care professionals accoding to national goal. Practice medical and medico-legal works as per national goals and objectives.
  • examine medico-legal cases and prepare reports or certificates in accordance with the law of land.
  • perform medico-legal postmortem examination and interpret autopsy findings and results of relevant investigations to logically conclude the cause, manner and time since death.
  • practice medicine ethically with humanly etiquette, discharge duties promptly and execute legal responsibilities of the physician toward his patient, profession, society, state and humanity at large.
  • prevent and protect himself from medical and legal mishap.
  • identify and apply relevant legal provisions applicable to the medico-legal and medical practice.
  • collect, preserve and dispatch specimens in medico-legal case and other concerned materials to the appropriate Government agencies for necessary examination.
  • diagnose, apply principles of management and understand medico-legal implications of common poisons.
  • apply general principles of analytical, environmental, occupational and preventive aspects of toxicology.
  • explain legal provision related to medical and medico-legal practice.

  • After completing the course of Forensic Medicine in MBBS course the students will be competent to:
  • perform ethical medical practice and maintain proper doctor-patient relationship.
  • capable to give deposition in the court of law as a medical expert.
  • collect, preserve and dispatch the medico-legally important specimen.
  • prepare, dispatch and store the proper medical records.
  • perform proper examination of victim/assailant of physical assault and sexual assault.
  • perform medico-legal examination (impotency, age determination, sex determination, mental fitness, mental state).
  • perform medico-legal autopsy and interpret the findings.
  • prepare certificates and medico-legal reports according to the law of the land.
  • prepare referral or discharge certificate and death certificate properly and authentically as per ICD-10.
  • supervise and guide the medical team/practitioner regarding the ethical and legal consequence related to medical issues.
  • handling dead body ethically and morally.
  • explain legal provision and guide members related to medical and medico-legal practice.
  • record the dying declaration.
  • diagnose and declare the death of a person.

Photo Name & Qualification Designation Date of Birth & Joining
Prof. Dr. Areful Hoque
MBBS, Fellow (Forensic Medicine)
Professor (Honorary)
Phase-2 Coordinator
Dr. Syeda Sharmina Akther
Associate Professor (C.C.) & Head 18-02-1987
Dr. Avijit Deb
MBBS, DFM, (Forensic Medicine)
Assistant Professor 25-03-1993
Dr. A.S.M. Saifullah
Lecturer 12-12-1993
Dr. Md. Nazmul Hasan
Lecturer 01-05-1993
Dr. Girija Nandan Das
Lecturer 24-09-1996
Dr. Jyoti Akter
Lecturer 21-05-1998
Dr. Jannatul Ferdous
Lecturer 28-02-1995
Dr. Shuva Ranjan Sarker
Assistant Professor 02-10-1993
Guest Teacher
Dr. Abdul Jalil Chowdhury
Assistant Professor (Honorary) 23-12-1954

  • Academic Calendar for Forensic Medicine.
  • Notices of Forensic Medicine Department.
  • Term Final Examination and Result of Forensic Medicine.

  • Published Articles and ongoing research activities of Prof. Dr. Areful Hoque
  • Published Articles and ongoing research activities of Dr. Syeda Sharmina Akther
  • Published Articles and ongoing research activities of Dr. Avijit Deb
  • Published Articles and ongoing research activities of Dr. Shuva Ranjan Sarker