Peer-Review Process
* Each manuscript submitted to Eastern Medical College Journal (EMCJ) undergoes a peer-review process.
* The manuscript is primarily screened by the EMCJ editorial board. During this process, the manuscript is checked for grammatical errors, journal style, any competing interest and plagiarism. According to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) less than 20% of plagiarism is accepted for submitted manuscript.
* The manuscripts with major errors like inappropriate topics & contents, gross language & grammatical mistakes and more than 20% plagiarism are rejected. Primary screening usually takes one week to complete.
* Primarily selected manuscripts are then sent to at least two anonymous reviewers following the double-blind peer-review where the reviewers and authors’ names are not disclosed to each other. Two weeks’ time given to the reviewers to complete the review.
* Once all reviews have been received reviewers’ comments are then sent to the corresponding author by Editor-in-Chief for necessary actions & responses and request to corresponding author to send the corrected manuscript within a week to EMCJ.
* After receiving the corrected manuscript from the corresponding author, the suggested decision will be evaluated in an editorial board meeting. Afterward, the editor will send the final decision to the corresponding author.
* All the accepted manuscript will go through copyediting, typesetting, figure sizing & placement, correcting revision (from corrected manuscript) and lastly issue assignment.
* Withdraw after acceptance of a manuscript is not a good publication practice since the editors and reviewers have put in so much of their valuable time and effort on your manuscript.