Admission Fees for Local Students in EMC
The Admission, Tuition & Internship fees for the session 2024-25 as per government Notification from the Directorate General of Medical Education (DGME) and Medical Education & Family Welfare Division (MEFWD) of Ministry of Health & Family Walfare (MOH&FW), Bangladesh.
Admission Fee: Taka 19,44,000/- (Nineteen lacs forty four thousand Taka)
Internship Fee: Taka 1,80,000/- (One lac eighty thousand Taka)
Total Admission + Internship Fee: Taka 21,24,000/- (Twenty one lacs and twenty four thousand taka)
Fees Payment System:
1st Step: At the time of First Year MBBS Admission (60%): Taka 12,74,400/- (Twelve lacs seventy four thousand four hundred)
2nd Step: During 1st Professional MBBS Examination (20%): Taka 4,24,800/- (Four lacs twenty four thousand eight hundred)
3rd Step: During 3rd Professional MBBS Examination (20%): Taka 4,24,800/- (Four lacs twenty four thousand eight hundred)
Tuition Fee: Taka 10,000/- per month (for 5 years).
বেসরকারি মেডিকেল কলেজ এবং ডেন্টাল কলেজ/ডেন্টাল ইউনিটে এমবিবিএস ও বিডিএস কোর্সের ভর্তি ফি |